The Rain 1


I remember standing in the rain watching you cry behind the glass helpless, powerless, I could only watch as the curtain fell and I was alone Cold and wet I stood on your front porch listening to the muffled cries Our night was over. The hours until I could see you again laid before me like cold black miles I had never felt so alone, so removed from the world, Separated from my only purpose, my reason for being

I thought of you crying, knotted into the fetal position on your bed I could almost see you there with your cherry blossoms cheeks and sad determined eyes whispering how one day we would run away and never come back how we would find some far away land and spend our days playing backgammon and making love I thought of you standing behind the foggy glass helpless, powerless, as the curtain fell

I thought of you as the rain suddenly stopped and the sky opened wide and black above me I thought of you as the clouds spread and the stars sprinkled the sky and the moon glowed like the sun so many rainy nights have come and gone and I think of us now so many years later standing together behind the glass watching as the silvery sheets of rain fall and gather into deep dark puddles near our home Then I hear the tea kettle whistling high and sharp calling from our kitchen and I hear your voice calling me for tea and I drop the curtain and go inside.

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