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When Truth becomes a Lie

Lies spread slow and wide and become truth,

Then it is too late, and waiting is all that is left,

In the cavernous resources of the corrupted mind

Where lies become true, and the truth becomes nothing









All rights reserved©luciuswilson2018

A note to the Trump supporter

GOP 2016 Trump

Their transgressions, the others; those who followed the lying soul. Black as the icy night, he who has brought upon us these darken days.

With weeping eyes, the world watches, and we are pierced for their iniquities; with bitter pride, they march in lock step; all like sheep being led away.

The light has gone and the world buckles in the stormy night; weakened by their transgressions, each of us has turned to our own way, burdened by the iniquities of the others.

The Concept of Race

Source: The Concept of Race



Ways to overcoming writer’s block. Here are three sure-fire tips that will get you writing in no time. These tips for overcoming writers block will help get you back to writing easily and quickly. Having trouble writing is nothing new. I would venture to say that every writer at some point in his/her careers has had to face it.

  1. Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block

I know there are many theories when it comes to this topic. Some do not even believe that there is such a thing while others believe the only way to beat it is to grind your way through it.

First off, let me say that in my opinion I believe that it is quite real, at least it was to me when I was going through it. As for the grind your way through it method, I do not believe it works. If the creative juices are not flowing, then they are not flow I do not see how forcing one’s self to stare at a blank screen is helping the process, but that’s just me.

I am more of a coax the process along kind of person. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to walk away, take a break from the project for a day or two if you can. I believe you try the simplest methods first and then you work from there.

There isn’t anything simpler then closing the laptop and taking a well-deserved break. Give your brain a rest and focus on other things for a day or two, then come back fresh and renewed. It is simple, but effective.

  1. End writer’s block Tip

Free writing if you are experiencing writer’s block you may think not being able to write is the problem, so how I am I going to write? Free writing is less about writing then it is about getting your creative juices flowing.

Throughout the years what I have learned is that usually writing is not the problem. The problem most likely is getting started. One way around the getting started problem is to free write. This is how it works; get a piece of paper and without filtering your thoughts write down the first words that comes to mind.

Make a list of 10 or 20 words and before you know, it the juices will be flowing again and you will be writing. I know it sounds simple, but it works.

  1. Guide for Overcoming Writer’s Block Tip

Take some time off and get some fresh air. Writing is a very solitary process and most writers spend a lot of time alone and in their own head. This can stifle the creative process.

Go outside, go visit with friends and family; forget about what you are working on for a little while. You will be amazed at the difference taking a little time off can make. These are just a few of the tips that worked for me hopefully they work for you.

When the Rain Stops

Source: When the Rain Stops

The Rain 1


I remember standing in the rain watching you cry behind the glass helpless, powerless, I could only watch as the curtain fell and I was alone Cold and wet I stood on your front porch listening to the muffled cries Our night was over. The hours until I could see you again laid before me like cold black miles I had never felt so alone, so removed from the world, Separated from my only purpose, my reason for being

I thought of you crying, knotted into the fetal position on your bed I could almost see you there with your cherry blossoms cheeks and sad determined eyes whispering how one day we would run away and never come back how we would find some far away land and spend our days playing backgammon and making love I thought of you standing behind the foggy glass helpless, powerless, as the curtain fell

I thought of you as the rain suddenly stopped and the sky opened wide and black above me I thought of you as the clouds spread and the stars sprinkled the sky and the moon glowed like the sun so many rainy nights have come and gone and I think of us now so many years later standing together behind the glass watching as the silvery sheets of rain fall and gather into deep dark puddles near our home Then I hear the tea kettle whistling high and sharp calling from our kitchen and I hear your voice calling me for tea and I drop the curtain and go inside.

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The tyranny of fear

I was amazed by this post.

Not Love

A deserving love,

She gave it freely

A fool, that could not see

Her wasted gift

Sacrificed by the indifference

That hide by his loving eyes




All rights reserved©2017

Illustration ©2017

Zero Years Old

Source: Zero Years Old